15 research outputs found


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    Kako se efekat globalnog zagrevanja odigrava širom planete, tako se svetska populacija suočava sa verovatno jednim od najvažnijih socijalnih i naučnih fenomena-promenom parametara životne sredine usled zagađenja. Preduzimanje bilo kakve akcije zahteva precizna i tačna merenja parametara životne sredine u više desetina hiljada tačaka, postavljenih širom sveta. Pošto je finansijski skupo, a i praktično nemoguće napraviti tako veliki broj mernih stanica koje bi premrežile celu planetu, očigledno je da se moraju pronaći neka alternativna rešenja. Napravljen je merni sistem i realizovane su merne metode za udaljeno merenje parametara životne sredine. Ovaj sistem može biti realizovan kao stacionarna ili kao pokretna merna stanica. Radna hipoteza se zasniva na korišćenju statističke analize izmernih podataka, gde se dolazi do pretpostavke i dokaza o mogućnosti smanjenja broja senzora na mernoj stanici, jer se praćenjem jedne veličine (koncentracija ugljen-monoksida) može doći do pretpostavljene vrednosti druge veličine (koncentracija azot-dioksida) u slučaju da potiču iz istog izvora. A korišćenjem predikcije, pomoću regresionog modela – interpolacije i ekstrapolacije pokazala se mogućnost smanjenja broja mernih stanica. Naime, korišćenjem interpolacionih krivih moguće je na teritoriji jednog grada prikazati estimacije koncentracija gasova na osnovu podataka sa pokretne merne stanice. Takođe, na osnovu matematičkog ARMA modela pokazana je estimacija koncentracije gasova na osnovu prethodnih merenja.As the effects of global warming are spreading globally, the world population encounters one of the most important social and scientific phenomena- changing the parameters of the environment due to pollution. Any conducted action requires precise and accurate measuring of the environmental parameters at several dozens of thousands points deployed around the world. Since financially, as well as practically, it is impossible to create such a large number of measuring stations which would network all over the planet, it is obvious that some alternative solutions must be found. A new measuring system is developed and measuring methods for remote measurement of environmental parameters are implemented. This system can be implemented as a stationary or mobile measuring station. The working hypothesis is based on the use of statistical analysis of measurement data. It leads to the possibility of reducing the number of sensors at measure station, as based on the monitoring of one value-gas concentration (the concentration of carbon monoxide) can be estimated values of other gas (the concentration of nitrogen - dioxide) in the case that they originate from the same source. Using prediction and regression models - interpolation and extrapolation have shown the possibility to reduce the number of measuring stations. Specifically, in the territory of one observedcity, by using interpolation curves, the estimation of concentrations of gases based on data from the measuring system can be shown. Also, based on a mathematical model (ARMA) estimation of concentrations of gases based on previous measurements is shown

    Surface and Underground Water Level Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Node with Energy Harvesting Support

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    In this paper development and testing of a wireless sensor node that is powered by solar energy harvesting is described. Implemented wireless sensor node is characterized by low cost and consumption, long mean time between maintenance, simplicity, flexibility, modularity and miniature design in applications for monitoring of environmental parameters. As a replacement for relatively expensive battery supply and in order to minimize maintenance costs, energy harvesting solution that uses a miniature solar panel and supercapacitor is tested. This node is used for measurements of water levels of surface and underground waters for application in agriculture. For this purpose the node is expanded with a capacitive sensor for measurement of water levels, which is particularly discussed in this paper as simple and innovative solution

    Disadvantages of electrocoagulation-flotation treatment of offset printing effluents

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    The efficiency of electrocoagulation-flotation (ECF) treatment was estimated based on the quantity of pollutants (cooper, turbidity, and organic substances) in printing effluents (waste offset printing developer and waste offset fountain solution) at selected process parameters. Four sets of aluminum or/and iron electrode combinations were applied, each with a current density of 2, 4, and 8 mA cm−2 and interelectrode distances of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 cm. In the progress of the ECF treatment, samples were taken at certain process times (1, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60 min). Based on the obtained results, the disadvantages of ECF treatment of offset printing effluents are defined

    Electrocoagulation removal of heavy metals from wastewater generated by washing a screen printing plate

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    The possibility of applying electrocoagulation treatment to remove heavy metals (zinc, copper, and chromium) from wastewater generated during the washing process of the screen printing plate was carried out. The electrocoagulation efficiency is estimated based on reducing the concentrations of detected heavy metals in the screen wastewater at defined process parameters such as electrode material, current density, interelectrode distance, and operating times

    Characterization of the organic load of the waste fountain solution

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    The qualitative analysis of the organic loads of waste fountain solution (WFS) was investigated in the paper. Two liquid/liquid (L/L) extraction methods were used for WFS sample preparation: L/L extraction with methylene chloride and sequential L/L extraction with n-pentane, methylene chloride and methylene chloride at pH 2. Qualitative characterization of the organic load profile of offset effluent was performed using a gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric method

    Monitoring of inorganic chemical parameters in river Danube, Novi Sad, Serbia

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    Because of the importance Danube river has on the region and the population affected by it is essential to maintain constant monitoring. With new emerging pollutants every day and regular threats one of the crucial goals is to investigate the causes of possible contamination with the acquisition of new, until then unknown information. To be able to achieve quality investigation and to acquire new information special monitoring has been conducted, in which quantitative analysis of key physical-chemical parameters in water body was carried out with laboratory methods


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    The object of this research is the new concept of the original universal system for air quality and energy control in laboratory conditions (wet scrubbing system) based on the „clean air in/out“ principle. Namely, the process involves a partial or complete exchange of recirculated treated air. From the aspect of water, as a pure medium, the system is characterized by broad application in the open, semiopen, and closed air treatment systems: primarily in the breeding and accompanying agricultural facilities, industrial, cultural, sports, tourist, medical and other controlled spaces. The analysis showed that the system at its inlet unit and with the block structure and logical phase development, proved energy, environmental and qualitative efficiency in the removal of PM10 and PM2.5 particles from the controlled dust doses in laboratory air. The measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were performed with two Alphasense OPC-N3 optical counters at the inlet and outlet of the system. Five operating regimes with frequency regulated number of revolutions of the turbo elements that was taken as an independent variable, achieved different degrees of removal of PM10 and PM2.5 from the treated laboratory air: 97.70-98.53% and 62.19-75.75%, respectively. The assessment of system energy use was done by parallel measuring of electric power and comparative deviations of its absolute values in the first decimal. Energy consumption for the treatment of 1m3 of air ranged from 0.00011-0.00016 kWm–3. Statistical analysis of qualitative indicators revealed significant differences between the operating regimes and the obtained values. © 2022,Thermal Science. All Rights Reserved

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park “Kopački rit”, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and „Vodovod-Osijek“ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Мethods of environmental monitoring parameters based on smart measurement systems

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    Kako se efekat globalnog zagrevanja odigrava širom planete, tako se svetska populacija suočava sa verovatno jednim od najvažnijih socijalnih i naučnih fenomena-promenom parametara životne sredine usled zagađenja. Preduzimanje bilo kakve akcije zahteva precizna i tačna merenja parametara životne sredine u više desetina hiljada tačaka, postavljenih širom sveta. Pošto je finansijski skupo, a i praktično nemoguće napraviti tako veliki broj mernih stanica koje bi premrežile celu planetu, očigledno je da se moraju pronaći neka alternativna rešenja. Napravljen je merni sistem i realizovane su merne metode za udaljeno merenje parametara životne sredine. Ovaj sistem može biti realizovan kao stacionarna ili kao pokretna merna stanica. Radna hipoteza se zasniva na korišćenju statističke analize izmernih podataka, gde se dolazi do pretpostavke i dokaza o mogućnosti smanjenja broja senzora na mernoj stanici, jer se praćenjem jedne veličine (koncentracija ugljen-monoksida) može doći do pretpostavljene vrednosti druge veličine (koncentracija azot-dioksida) u slučaju da potiču iz istog izvora. A korišćenjem predikcije, pomoću regresionog modela – interpolacije i ekstrapolacije pokazala se mogućnost smanjenja broja mernih stanica. Naime, korišćenjem interpolacionih krivih moguće je na teritoriji jednog grada prikazati estimacije koncentracija gasova na osnovu podataka sa pokretne merne stanice. Takođe, na osnovu matematičkog ARMA modela pokazana je estimacija koncentracije gasova na osnovu prethodnih merenja.As the effects of global warming are spreading globally, the world population encounters one of the most important social and scientific phenomena- changing the parameters of the environment due to pollution. Any conducted action requires precise and accurate measuring of the environmental parameters at several dozens of thousands points deployed around the world. Since financially, as well as practically, it is impossible to create such a large number of measuring stations which would network all over the planet, it is obvious that some alternative solutions must be found. A new measuring system is developed and measuring methods for remote measurement of environmental parameters are implemented. This system can be implemented as a stationary or mobile measuring station. The working hypothesis is based on the use of statistical analysis of measurement data. It leads to the possibility of reducing the number of sensors at measure station, as based on the monitoring of one value-gas concentration (the concentration of carbon monoxide) can be estimated values of other gas (the concentration of nitrogen - dioxide) in the case that they originate from the same source. Using prediction and regression models - interpolation and extrapolation have shown the possibility to reduce the number of measuring stations. Specifically, in the territory of one observedcity, by using interpolation curves, the estimation of concentrations of gases based on data from the measuring system can be shown. Also, based on a mathematical model (ARMA) estimation of concentrations of gases based on previous measurements is shown